Want to learn about Theology of the Body, but not sure where to start?

TOBET offers resources for multiple audiences, to assist each person in owning their identity as made in the image and likeness of God.

A note about TOBET children’s books:

Based on the integration of spiritual, emotional, psychological and physical development of children, TOBET has developed books which form and reinforce a child’s identity at each particular stage of his or her growth.

These books:

  • Do not directly address sexuality; rather,
  • they lay a foundation which allows children to grow, secure in who they are,
  • leading them to mature in growth toward a deeper understanding of their purpose,
  • which allows them to be pure in living a holy lifestyle and be a loving gift to others.
Young Children

These lessons and stories lay a foundation of security and orient children to recognize their own self as similar to and distinct from others around them. The learn to see their bodies as 1) a gift from God and 2) meant to be gifts of love to others.

Children (and Tweens)

Children continue to grow in understanding of the truth and meaning of their bodies. The Body is a Teacher; The Body speaks a Language; The Body as Sacrament show children that “certain bodily actions mean certain things.”

TOBET’s books for children include lesson books: educational material which can be used in the classroom, or at home, and story books: original, fictional books which convey a lesson through the story.

(Tweens and) Teens

(Tweens and) Teens grow in MATURITY

  • Learn the profound differences and complementarity in sexual difference
  • These differences point us to our vocation: Love!

Adults are able to deeply enter into the mystery of the human person, made as male and female in the image and likeness of God. Upon recognition of one’s self as a gift, to be given to others in love precisely through their vocation, men and women with the grace of God’s assistance live this out in purity and truth.

Engaged Couples

Couples seeking immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony have the opportunity to ponder the meaning of their total gift of self to each other as an image of the inner life of the Holy Trinity. This mystery is so profound, TOBET has developed an entire program dedicated to marriage preparation.

Learn more about the entire TOBET4ENGAGED program

Suggested Titles – Available in Store.

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This title is a recommended listen for parents, in learning how to converse with their teens. For more resources, see our store!